Have you been sucked into the charming microcosm of farming, dating, and crafting that is Stardew Valley? This retro-designed indie title is one of the big breakout hits of 2016, and now it looks as though it’s poised to make an impression on the multiplayer space.
Currently, Stardew Valley offers only a single-player experience, but that should change in the near future. Version 1.1 for the game will contain a co-op multiplayer mode, although it’s not known if this means just being able to play with one other person online or several. The game’s sole developer said that he is farming (cough) out the multiplayer and console port efforts to another studio so that he can focus on creating more content for the game.
“This should result in faster overall development and reduced workload for me, while preserving my artistic control over Stardew Valley,” wrote creator Eric Barone. “There’s no official timetable for any of this yet. Mainly I just want to let you all know that multiplayer, porting, and localization are actively being worked on.”
Stardew Valley is only $15 on Steam and GOG, although be warned: It will suck your life’s hours away with its “one more turn” addictiveness.