There’s nothing worse than being typecast. You play two action roles in films, suddenly you’re the action movie guy. Be the romantic lead in two dumb films and you’re a romance actor. Steal an excavator and start tearing down buildings all over town while alternately screaming about how buildings are tools of space lizard ghosts into a megaphone and blasting songs off of Enya CDs played at double speed, suddenly you’re always “that guy who attacked the town in construction equipment with music.”
I mean, come on. I do other things! I like Transformers, for example. I’m fond of cats. And there was also that time that I stole a sailboat and crashed it into a harbor while playing selections from The Who’s “Tommy.” The point is, I don’t want to be typecast into one sort of arbitrary, pointless destruction. If you have suggestions for that, leave them in the comments of What Are You Playing; I promise I’ll provide you an alibi.
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Probably another weekend of Pokémon Go. Hopefully I’ve been out and about enough during primetime(s) that folks’ll start recognizing me. Heck, maybe fellow Mystics will actually come out of their cars when we’re taking gyms together… right?
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Same as the last few weeks: Guild Wars 2 – dailies, leveling alts, leveling my mains through Heart of Thorns content, and playing dress-up. I also have the new Titan Quest installed and ready to go! Gave it a look last night and I’m surprised at the parts that hold up so well (and also the parts that don’t).
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Oh, World of Warcraft, you sure are trying hard to win back my affection. I can work with that, yes. Tooling around with World Quests and other max-level antics will fill up a bunch of my weekend. I also need to finish up the anniversary event and some roleplaying on Final Fantasy XIV, as is often my wont.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Nothing much more (or less!) for me than Legion, if the holiday permits (why must game time always suffer over the holidays?). I’m already hopelessly behind the “crowd,” so I might as well just enjoy the journey and ignore the people who have already tapped out the expansion.
Your turn!