Many times, people have come up to me on the street asking how I got to be so cool. Well, let me tell you, it’s easy for you to be almost as cool as I am. Not cooler than I am, you’re just not that cool, but you can be worthy of standing sort of close to me for a while, and maybe even nodding at me. I’ll nod back, and we won’t talk, but people will probably figure we might talk, so that’s pretty cool.
First of all, make sure to dress yourself entirely in secondhand shirts with unexplained stains on them, like you don’t care what other people think. Also, your hair should be shaved at the top and grow long everywhere else. If you have facial hair, color it the same shade as your skin and let it grow. Speak with an obnoxious accent that doesn’t match your place of birth, and only watch movies at home while periodically shouting that the film is farts.
Just follow these simple steps, and I assure you something will happen. Not sure what, exactly; I’m paid to be cool, not do research. Let us know what you’re up to this weekend in the comments, since this is What Are You Playing, but I’ll be out there being super cool.
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): I might actually have a little extra time this weekend, but it’s going to be spent doing some work (maybe? hopefully?). That being said, I’ll certainly be playing some Pokémon Go while I do my usual exercise, and probably do some Hearthstone since I’ve neglected it a bit.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Soooooo I am slightly less sick this weekend than I was last weekend, and I am really hoping to actually get to play lava skull mountain in Guild Wars 2 this weekend! I have also been eyeing Shroud of the Avatar, as it’s been sitting in my games bin for I think years now and I never get around to it. Maybe this month!
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Can’t talk, have to finish Alexander in Final Fantasy XIV before the patch reset. And other content. And keep my emissary quests from overflowing in World of Warcraft, naturally.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I think I’m going to try to duck into Firefall before it collapses entirely (unless it’s already gone, of course), just so that I can say that I saw it. Other than that, the usual mischief in World of Warcraft and RIFT, I expect.
Your turn!