The holiday season is rolling out in many of Blizzard’s games (although that Diablo guy is being a real Grinch about it), so as you peruse the launcher, here’s a handy guide to what to expect in the studio’s games.
Overwatch is introducing its Winter Wonderland event for the first time this year. In addition to cozy decorations, the team shooter is adding winter loot boxes (with 100 seasonal items) and the new Mei’s Snowball Offensive 6v6 brawl. The event will conclude on January 2nd.
Over at World of Warcraft, Azerothians are preparing for the return of the Feast of Winter Veil. Quests, toys, and even kissing is on tap for this annual event, and you’ll want to make sure to log in on December 25th to grab your free presents from underneath Greatfather Winter’s tree!
Finally, Heroes of the Storm welcomes Winter Veil through January 4th. New skins can be purchased, but for those wanting freebies, a snowflake portrait and goblin mount is yours for participating in 25 games. Additionally, a 25% XP boost will be running for the duration of the event.