I don’t get super angry in MMORPGs anymore — if something really upsets me, there are 20 other solid games waiting for my attention. But I can think of specific instances that really upset me over the years, like when I spied exploiters I’d reported half a dozen times continuing to exploit, or when I realized a dev studio still hasn’t fixed basic problems like ganking the opposite faction’s spawn point a decade later, costing me hours of time waiting for wackadoodles to get bored and leave. I definitely still shout at my screen when I see terrible players fighting on the road and not the node, lemme tell ya, but I’ve probably been the most angry at people I thought were friends who turned out to just be using me or my guild for some benefit.
I have not, however, ever been so angry that I rammed my head into a monitor causing it to shatter and my friends to have to extract my bleeding face from its shards. Like this guy.
Nope, nowadays, I just walk away, find something else to do or play. My time is too precious to waste on leisure activities that tick me off. Plus, I like my monitor. And my face.
How about you? Have you ever become extremely angry in an MMO? Why? And how do you channel your anger in MMOs?