On today’s podcast, Justin teased me for running a virtual yard sale as I attempt to clean out my house in Ultima Online. I’m not quitting the game, mind you, but I did feel the urge to purge my hoard a bit to give myself some options, since right now, I’m obligated to sub every few months to hang on to that digital house lest I lose everything in it. If I were going to leave for a longer period of time, as I’ve done before, I’d need to get rid of most of my loot in a hurry and figure out whom to bequeath my house — if anyone.
Totally coincidentally, this morning I ran across a post on the Marvel Heroes sub whose author says he’s quitting and was looking for a “tasteful” way of giving away all his stuff.
Both incidents prompted me to wonder what other people do — does it depend on the game? What do you do with your stuff when you quit an MMORPG?
What do you do with your stuff when you quit an MMORPG? (Choose up to three.)
- Nothing. My loot goes down with the ship. (63%, 181 Votes)
- I give it away to strangers, newbies, or charities. (5%, 15 Votes)
- I give it away to friends or guildies. (9%, 27 Votes)
- I sell everything I can so I have in-game cash if I return. (3%, 8 Votes)
- I try to sell my account out-of-game while it's in demand. (1%, 4 Votes)
- I don't quit MMOs. (7%, 20 Votes)
- It depends on the game. (8%, 22 Votes)
- Delete it all to avoid any temptation to return. (2%, 6 Votes)
- Something else entirely (tell us in the comments!) (1%, 2 Votes)
- No answer / just want to see the poll. (1%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 245