It might be coming sooner than you think. Standing Stone Games is eyeing a July 31st release date for its Mordor expansion, although the fine print leaves some wiggle-room for a delay (“In the event of delay, you will receive the Mordor expansion content and items no later than August 31st, 2017″).
But not so fast, little Hobbit — you’re going to have to pre-order first! All of the Free People ready for Lord of the Rings Online’s newest expansion should head on over to the Mordor pre-order site, where they can view the three bundles and decide which (if any) to purchase.
The base expansion is $40 and includes a single level boost to bring a character up to the starting gates of Mordor. But if you want the new High Elf race, you’re going to need to go for the collector’s edition ($80) or ultimate fan bundle ($130), as the pointy-eared adventurers are not included in the standard edition.
There’s also a Mordor FAQ page up with answers to some pertinent questions, such as whether or not players will be able to use LOTRO points to buy the expansion and new race (yes, but only once Update 22 arrives “this winter”).