The Chronicles of Elyria team is in a frenzy getting ready for the game’s showing at PAX West in a couple of weeks. After internal deliberation, the devs decided to create a joust for the demo to show off some of the capabilities and possibilities of the game. As a bonus? Jousting was something the team was planning on putting in anyway, so the demo is not throwaway work.
The devs from all departments pulled together to make the tiltyard possible, including creating the environment, the outfits of the six sovereignties competing, shatterable lances, sound effects, and of course, the jousting combat itself.
“Once the prototype of the gameplay felt right mechanically, Souzou and Strider began working diligently on making it feel right aesthetically,” the team wrote. “While riding the horse already feels great, spurring one’s mount on and aiming one’s lance were new opportunities for excellence!”