When Oculus dropped the price of the Oculus Rift down to $400 earlier this summer, supposedly temporarily (but not its first drop), analysts were torn over the decision, suggesting that Facebook’s rumored cheaper wireless Pacific device might be the impetus.
Now this week, HTC joined in the price-slashing parade, reducing the price of the Vive from $799 to $599, a fee analysts said back in January was still too pricey for the Oculus. However, the president of the Viveport marketplace rejected the idea that the new price was a response to the Rift’s panic-mode. “I think we are the leader in the market, and the plan was always that high-end VR be available to everyone,” he told Polygon. “So of course there are a couple of components that need to fall into place … in order to reach the mass market, you need to have a lower price point. That’s been the plan all along. I think it’s good that other players in the market are making similar moves.”
For this edition of Leaderboard, I thought it would be fun to take stock of our core audience’s view of the price of VR here in 2017 to see whether it differs significantly from the 2014 vs. 2016 report, which suggested that while initial high prices had shifted many gamers’ expectations for a higher price, an even greater number still wouldn’t pay over $300 for a device. To the pollmobile!
What impact do VR device price cuts have on your purchasing?
- I already purchased a VR device. (10%, 29 Votes)
- The devices are now cheap enough for me to consider buying one. (10%, 28 Votes)
- The devices are still not cheap enough for me to consider buying one. (39%, 111 Votes)
- I will never buy a VR device no matter what the price is. (13%, 37 Votes)
- I am waiting to buy into VR for a reason other than price (for example, games, space, or safety). (23%, 66 Votes)
- No response / elf butts / view results (4%, 12 Votes)
Total Voters: 283

Cheers, Schlag!