If you’ve forgotten about Peria Chronicles, you can get a refresher in the game’s trailer from last year down below. And that’s more news than you’ll get about the game from Nexon at this year’s G-Star conference, as Peria Chronicles is conspicuously absent. For those of you who have been following the game, that’s going to be worrisome. Is it still coming? Is the game on track?
Steparu reports that the reason for the game’s absence is entirely down to a question of how long it takes to prepare a demo. The developers want to start moving into beta testing and the like this winter, which necessitates focusing less on making a demo and more on getting the game into a better state. Plausible? Sure, why not. But then, Nexon isn’t bringing a bunch of its in-progress games to the con; Astellia Online, Mabinogi Fantasy Life Mobile, Tree of Savior Mobile Remake, Elsword M Shadow of Luna, Durango Wild Lands, and the Final Fantasy XI Rebooot will all apparently be no-shows.