Settle in, folks, because it’s Camelot Unchained monthly newsletter day — and that means plenty of good reading for those excited about this RvR title.
One of the big topics this month was the preparation for something that the team is calling Saturday Night Sieges. These beta activities, according to Mark Jacobs, “are intended to distill down some of the most fun aspects of our game into the form of scenarios, and allow our players to interact with each other in the same way as they will in the LIVE game.”
Jacobs said that these Sieges will grow as the team ropes more players in to test elements that will be present in the live game, such as siege engines, building destruction, and a full arsenal of weapons. The best part? When Saturday Night Sieges meets the teams goals, the game will officially be in Beta 1 testing.
Oh, and here’s a maddening promise from Jacobs himself: “By the end of January, at the latest, you’ll be glad that you stuck around to see how things come out, as we will have a lot to talk about. And all of it will be good, I promise. And no, we’re not adding lockboxes, selling the company, switching engines, or anything like that. Lots of good news on the way.”
Want more from Jacobs? He spoke to us this week on the state of wages in the industry.