How hard is EA trying to salvage its rep hit from the Star Wars Battlefront 2 drama? It’s hard to judge right now. This week, the game will patch up with tweaks for economy and progression, complete with improved end-of-round payouts (something players complained about bitterly when EA tooted its horn about reducing the cost of heroes while simultaneously reducing payouts and not mentioning that part because EA is sneaky like that). The patch will also generate for players more daily credits from arcade mode and daily login freebies (still crates, though). New characters, including Finn and Phasma, debut as well.
Some gamers, however, are not appeased. There’s at least one petition floating around right now trying to convince Disney subsidiary Lucasfilm to revoke EA’s license to pump out Star Wars games because EA has “proven to [its] consumers that [it] honestly [doesn’t] care about the gameplay experience or content” and instead would “rather rush out a game that will try [to] milk as much money out of consumers as possible.” It’s not the most convincingly crafted petition in the world, but it nevertheless has 120,000 signers so far.