As many of you may know, I am a fan of Transformers, which is frequently ridiculous. This is as evident in the names as it is anywhere else. Thus, I encourage everyone to guess which of the following Transformer names are actual names used by characters and which ones are completely made up. No, you don’t get to know how many are real. And here we go:
Slayride, Windbreaker, Guiltar, Wingwaver, Blue Bacchus, Randy, Sling, Darkwing, Gutcruncher, Blowpipe, Zap, Slapper, Daytonus, Oil Slick, Deep Cover, Autostinger, Carzap, Hydradread, Landshark.
So, which ones are real? Please leave your guesses down in the comments below. Also, since this is What Are You Playing, you should probably let us know what you’re playing in the comments, too. That is ostensibly the point.
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Sadly it’ll probably just be Pokemon Go. Maybe I’ll do some The Elder Scrolls Online. See, it’s my last weekend of con prep before GDC, so I’ll be waiting for last minute calls/contacts (welcome to the sausage factory). I’ve learned that attempting anything fun or social the weekend before a convention guarantees last minute long distance calls that ruin my outing/play session. I hate being “that guy,” so if you see some overly polite guy hugging the outside corner of the supermarket with his phone, please be sympathetic!
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’m easy this weekend: I’ll be in Trove, with which I am currently obsessed. Will I burn out before the expansion launches, most likely at the end of the month? Maybe! Who knows! Enjoying it while I enjoy it.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): While I’ve got a (hopefully quick) meeting about buying my first house on Saturday, most of the weekend will be spent in World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, and Warframe. You know, more or less like it always is.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Company is in town, so probably reduced gaming time for me. Ironically, this comes at a time where there’s more to play than ever, including jaunts in RIFT Prime, the release of Project Gorgon on Steam early access, Lord of the Rings Online’s Northern Mirkwood, and a dozen other things on my list. We’ll see what I’ll get to by Monday.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I’ve been away from my dinos all week in ARK: Survival Evolved, so I am looking forward to getting back in and going for a ride on the rock drakes. There is still much to gather to finish up my castle on the cliff construction project, so there will be building as well. Other than that, I am hoping for more time in Subnautica and Secret World Legends. There is apparently a new zone to get ready for in the latter and I am still in Egypt!
Patron Pierre: I’ve been drawn back to XCOM 2 this week: I love this game, So, I’m going to kick some alien asses this weekend (and probably get my own ass kicked lots of times, because things don’t always/rarely go as planned in this game :D). On the PvP front, I try to play World of Tanks as apparently I’m addicted to it, but this game gets more and more frustrating. I play fair, mostly firing standard ammunition, and using gold (i.e., armor piercing) ammunition only for the heavy armored tank encounter. But the way to play these days is far from being fair: Everybody seems to go full gold. That’s the issue with PvP games; you can’t expect people to play fair if it gives them what they perceive as a disadvantage, or if playing unfair can maximize their chances of winning (isn’t there a saying about nothing being fair in love and war?). Main consequence: I’ll probably end up going full gold myself, when I get tired of losing 75% of my games. Enjoy your gaming weekend MOP readers and share your own gaming experience with us in the comments. I love reading those every week. :D”
Your turn!