WRUP: I overslept and my office is filled with firewood edition

why is that the picture omg

Ah, Saturday, you noble day when I basically forget about time. Nothing I have to do today. Nothing much, anyway. I should check out the comments to What Are You Playing when I get up.

What did I do for What Are You Playing this week, anyhow? What sort of joke did I…

Oh no. No, no, no, all right, up we go, excuse me cat, out of the way, I have to pretend to be on time. Oh, no, people are going to think this was a thing about Friday but that isn’t it, that wouldn’t even give me a hangover, how is it now? All right, upstairs, I’m here, I…

Why is my office filled with firewood? No. No, we’re not doing this. I don’t need all this firewood. Someone else can figure this out [Bree, let me finish this joke or change it before Saturday -E]

​Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): It’s console party weekend, and I’m bringing a Final Fantasy XIVinspired dish to munch on between rounds of Smash Bros, Splatoon 2, Ultimate Chicken Horse, and other local multiplayer games. I’ve also got a Mewtwo raid on Sunday (I’m greedily still hoping for a perfect attack IV Mewtwo above 90% stats), and I’ll also do some Sea of Thieves. I really want to jump back into Overwatch before the event’s over, and maybe some Project Gorgon, but I know I’ll probably get distracted.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): The fam and I are still playing Trove, so I’ll be in there once again trying to keep my boys alive. Including the husband there. Working my way through the spring questline!

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft, per usual. Also have more obligations in Ultima Online, you know.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): No huge plans, but I would like to get to Northern Mirkwood in Lord of the Rings Online (which has been on my to-do list for weeks now) and knock out more of Secret World Legends’ new story content.

Pierre, patron: The Elder Scrolls Online has really grown to become something of a MMO. It’s my first time exploring the Morrowind area (Vvardenfell) of the game and it’s so vivid and so different. It also revives so many good memories from Morrowind. I will go on discovering more of this wonderful land this weekend, but I can’t let those vile cultists enslave and slaughter more innocent people; it’s my duty as an officer of the law to pacify Hope County in Far Cry 5. Finally, with the announcement of the next DLC (Warmind) coming May 8, I’m back in Destiny 2. Lots of people from my clan are still playing it so it will be a pleasure to share some precious moments with them. Enjoy your gaming weekend MOP readers and let us know WURP in the comments.

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