For those on the outside looking in at the insanely popular Fortnite phenomenon over the past year, the question invariably rises: What makes this game so massively successful, especially considering that it wasn’t the first battle royale title to market?
Medium has a good overview of the rise of Fortnite, identifying three key elements that has translated this game into a smash hit. Those characteristics, according to the site, are mainstream appeal, its free-to-play business model, and balancing gameplay, graphics, and competitive play.
Another angle? “This ability to drive a game’s visibility underscores the fourth key point that deserves attention — that the marketing of interactive entertainment has fundamentally changed.”
The battle royale shooter isn’t slowing down in its development, either. With the upcoming Patch 4.2, players will be able to use the new Perk Recombobulator to mix-and-match bonuses on weapons and gear. Apparently this is a huge step up from the older perk system, which was far more restrictive.
There’s also rumors that a competitive mode is in the works. This is thanks to a datamined directory called “COMP” that suggests such a mode is on the way.