Earlier this week, Sea of Thieves Executive Producer Joe Neate issued an update to keep fans apprised of Rare’s progress on development of the game’s upcoming major content update, Forsaken Shores, in which he warned that there was a chance that the update would not be releasing on September 19th as planned. Well, that warning turned out to be warranted, as an update released today confirmed that the release of Forsaken Shores is being delayed until Thursday, September 27th.
This will probably come as something of a disappointment to Sea of Thieves players, especially in light of the fact that the previous update had said that if Forsaken Shores were indeed to be held back, the delay wasn’t expected to be “longer than a few days.” That being said, the update stresses that “This was not a decision that was taken lightly,” but the devs say that “[their] priority is to deliver a stable, polished and bug-free experience and [they] feel that the extra week of development will enable us to do this.”