Sea of Thieves Executive Producer Joe Neate is back for another weekly developer update, and this time it’s all about — you guessed it — the upcoming and recently delayed content update Forsaken Shores (again). Neate begins by explaining the reasons behind Rare’s decision to delay the update by over a week: “In the round of pioneer testing that we did in the weekend prior to our planned initial release date, we discovered some memory issues . . . which were resulting in crashes for some players.”
As such, the studio has pushed a new build to pioneers for testing over the course of this weekend, and with any luck, the problems will be solved by the beginning of the week, and the update will go live as planned later in the week. In addition to the performance issues, Neate says, the studio has also received some great “usability [and] experience feedback” from the pioneers, so the devs have also been hard at work implementing some of those ideas. “So overall,” Neate says, “the experience that we deliver on the 27th will be a much better experience as a result of going through the pioneers process.” For more details from the dev update, you can check out the whole video below.