This week’s Sea of Thieves developer update video is once again all about Forsaken Shores, which launched last week after a short delay. Executive Producer Joe Neate briefly recaps the process of bringing Forsaken Shores to players, making sure that the build that went live was sufficiently stable and polished, which by most accounts it seems to have been. There is, however, an issue that’s been cropping up lately, with players not always receiving the appropriate number of voyage commendations. Neate says that the team is currently working on a fix for the problem, and there will be “more to share on that soon.”
As for right now, the devs are in what Neate refers to as a “monitoring situation,” looking at feedback from players as they become more familiar with the new content before making any drastic changes to its difficulty and balancing. Meanwhile, the team is focusing on cargo runs and “ensuring that they’re in a state to deliver for week three.” There’s already been some pioneer testing on cargo runs, with another phase this week, which will hopefully allow the team to get cargo runs polished and stable for release next week. Neate also talks briefly about the upcoming new Bilge Rat Adventure. Although the devs aren’t quite ready to give exact details on what this new adventure is, Neate does say that they plan to “give it a little bit of a tease” at New York Comic Con later this week.