Just yesterday, I noticed that Crowfall had another video Q&A out. (By which I mean it crossed our metaphorical desks as news, of course.) This prompted me to once again wish that the team there did more textual Q&As because as entertaining as Thomas Blair can be, sometimes I’d just like to read the information. It’s not that there isn’t any information there, it’s that I don’t want to watch 20 minutes of video to cover the same material I could get in 2 minutes of reading, tops.
They are not the only offenders, of course. Star Trek Online, Final Fantasy XIV, World of Warcraft, and Sea of Thieves are all far too enchanted with putting information into videos. And the less said about Star Citizen here, the better. It’s been a trend for a while, and while it can draw viewers I feel like it makes it harder to find exact information when I would much prefer just a straight text post with the important info. Is that so much to ask?
Maybe it is. Maybe I’m the exception. Or maybe I’m the rule, and I’m not the only one. So what do you say, readers (and also the people who would, in theory, be the ones these videos want to court)? Are you a fan of video content for MMO information? Or do you wish you could just read a dang post?