Last month, Obsidian Entertainment and My.com announced the New Horizons project for their free-to-play tank combat game Armored Warfare, which aims to “significantly improve the gameplay for players both old and new with the goal of making the gameplay of Armored Warfare more dynamic and fun.” Today, the devs expanded on that vision in a new update post that details what players can expect from the game going forward.
In order to improve the overall experience in Armored Warfare, the dev team is pursuing a three-pronged plan that involves updating and enhancing the new-player experience, making the gameplay feel more fast-paced and dynamic, and ensuring that players continue to be challenged even after they’ve progressed deep into the game. In order to achieve these goals, the team says it is “planning to introduce a series of core gameplay changes in the next two major updates and today.”
The exact details of the changes are too extensive to adequately condense here, but in short, the devs are looking to rebalance low-tier vehicles to make them more fun to play while also increasing their progression rates. In addition, PvE difficulty levels will be receiving an overhaul, as will the game’s Global Operations system. Those three areas seem to be the studio’s primary focus for the immediate future, but the update post also details some additional changes that will be coming further down the line. For the full details on what’s in store for the future of Armored Warfare, you can check out the full post on the game’s official site.