Paris Games Week hasn’t brought much news for MMOs, but it did include a hefty video from BioWare’s Anthem. It’s not the best quality, but YouTuber iGameYT has a recap of what was on display from the current alpha build – there’s a look at grabbits, acid strikes, the Colossus’ and Interceptor’s ults, and the Storm.
“12:50 You’ll see that after the Storm flies through the waterfall the Cooled icon on the top right lights up, but something is different about this as the icon stayed up for about 25 seconds compared to the 5 seconds it was up for the Colossus in the first gameplay demo. So this may be able to be enhance through our skill tree, or they’ve made some changes in the longevity of it. 14:20 – You’ll see the Storm using the emote wheel. Looks like down on the directional pad is to initiate your emotes and you can cycle through them with the right and left buttons on the pad. Up is our Ultimate Ability. 15:40 – They showcase the Storm’s ultimate in which you can utilize all three elements (fire, ice, lightning) on the enemy.”
The same Reddit thread also has a recap of Q&A tossed out on Twitter, including confirmation that the game will not have pets at launch, that there is no manual switch between 1st and 3rd person, and that some world events are “in theory” soloable.