Do you remember The Crew 2? Are you currently playing The Crew 2? Because Ubisoft would like you to do so, and to that end the company is hosting a free weekend for the game from April 25th through April 28th. Everyone can download the game and take this massively multiplayer drive-em-up for a spin. Or a roll. Or a… you know what, insert your own car metaphor here; we’re sure you can think of a bunch of them.
The good news is that this free weekend includes all of the content updates that have arrived in the game since launch. The further good news is that all of this arrives with a page full of tips about how to play the game and get the most out of your driving experience. So if you’ve been thinking about getting behind the wheel but wanted to see how the engine handles under speed, now’s the time to kick the tires. (That’s something you do with cars, right?)