This week’s Camelot Unchained newsletter is live, and — quelle surprise — the team at City State Entertainment is still hard at work refining the game’s work-in-progress siege scenario that’s taken center stage for the past however-many weeks. The game’s backers up to beta 2 have been brought in to put their siege warfare skills to the test, and with their feedback, the devs have been putting some extra layers of polish on the project.
But not everyone is mucking about with trebuchets and catapults; those members of the team who aren’t involved in the development of the siege scenario have been laboring away, planning and polishing up a number of other features, including support class abilities, updated UI elements, and “new ability system [functionalities].” This week, the spotlight is on the art, animation, and UI teams, and the post goes into detail about the work being done on combat animations for one-handed weapons and showcases some new-and-improved UI elements, which you can check out for yourself over on the game’s official site. Oh, and if you need a bit more information to get your weekly Camelot Unchained fix, be sure to check out the end-of-week wrap up Q&A video with Mark Jacobs, which you can find just below.