Ah, marriage! That most blessed of unions, a ceremony that brings you joy even if you’re just holding it in Revelation Online, and far more joyous than the moment two years later where you slump out of bed, sit on the couch, and stare into the middle distance with the cold and unblinking realization that the person you’re married to has become a stranger in a thousand ways both large and small, but your lives are now so inextricably linked that your earnest desire to part ways cannot overcome the fundamental inertia of married life. So keep that in mind as you describe your dream wedding!
[AL:Rev]The task is simple: Write, draw, record, or otherwise present your plans for a dream wedding in-game and post those plans to a specialized Discord channel. The winning entry will receive the most expensive wedding package available in-game in hopes of making your dreams a reality, while the next two runners-up will receive slightly lesser packages and the knowledge that your greatest romantic endeavors will forever be second place in the eyes of the game’s development staff. We’re sure that won’t provide any opportunities for criticism from your partner. Marriage!Source: Official Site