MOP’s Tyler dropped an amusing remark in our work chat a while back about forgetting stuff in MMOs – in his case, an MMO title that he must have spent a lot of time working for.
“Playing an MMO for a long time can get weird sometimes. I apparently have the Prelate title in World of Warcraft. I didn’t even know that was a title you could get. I have no idea why I have it. According to Google, Prelate is awarded for becoming exalted with the Council of Exarchs. Which I have no memory of doing.”
I can do him one better in the sadness department: I’ve forgotten about entire characters. When the City of Heroes craze took over this past spring, I dug out my old character sheet from the original game and discovered that I had rolled and apparently leveled several characters about which I have zero memory whatsoever. And yet I must have done it since there they were on my roster with many, many hours of playtime. Completely gone from my brain.
Have you ever forgotten about an MMO character or important game achievement?