If one of your friends was claiming that they couldn’t help you in Red Dead Online on account of being “at soup,” it turns out that it wasn’t just a reference to a hilarious video (which has a single naughty word so don’t watch it at work). No, there was actually a player-organized soup walk in which a group of 20 or so players got together… and carried soup across the map. Not for anything, just to see how long everyone could successfully carry soup.
The answer is apparently “not far,” since players had to contend with wild animals, bounty hunters, other players being jerk, and trains while moving no faster than a walk… and that’s before factoring in server disconnects that take the soup right out of your hands. But everyone still had fun, because if you’re signing up for a group carrying soup across the map you probably are going to have fun no matter what goes wrong. It doesn’t explain why people were looking for content at the soup store, though.