Look, Cynthia is a bright eight-year old. All of us know that. But the thing is… well, some of us among the faculty have certain… concerns about her report about hedgehogs. For starters, there’s a general feeling that no eight-year-old should be turning in a report with full-frontal nudity, regardless of how many hedgehogs are also contained in the picture. That number, we’ll note, is zero.
It’s also unclear why Cynthia felt that it was necessary to list all of the things that “Daddy tried to eats” within here, and while we don’t believe that you tried to consume four pounds of what she calls “garbage rubber” it raises a lot of questions that need to be asked. There was also no need to include a lengthy digression about how a clock mechanism works, and while she is undeniably bright it doesn’t really pertain to hedgehogs.
Last but not least, Cynthia is still wearing the hedgehog costume from last Halloween, and when she’s asked about it she bites the faculty member closest to her and then tries to hide under her desk. We’re just… concerned. She wasn’t actually assigned a report about hedgehogs, she was supposed to answer What Are You Playing.
Bonus question: Do you wear hats? If so, what sort?
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Guild Wars 2 probably, but it’s going to be good weather and I need some sun, so I’ll be out in that mostly.
I pretty much hate hats because of their innate hair-wrecking properties, but I still wear them when we’re out doing Things other than errands, 100% for sun protection on my face (paranoid about that). This weekend is a hats weekend.
Carlo Lacsina (@UltraMudkipEX): I’ve been watching League of Legends’ yearly world tournament, so I’ll be watching some gaming, not so much playing. If I do get a chance, it’ll probably be some Final Fantasy XIV; nothing fancy, just dailies
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): Dauntless once again. As anyone who follows me on Twitter has seen, I’ve made loadouts for each type of element and I’ll be working on raising each piece of kit to +10. Three loadouts done, three more to go! I’m also going to continue leveling alt classes in Final Fantasy XIV, and I went ahead and picked up Astellia Online on a whim born purely of a little extra spending money and curiosity. I kinda want to check this one out. Maybe the subject of next month’s CMA?
I don’t wear hats often, but when I do it’s a flat cap. Typically I wear my flat cap with my hair pulled back as part of a way to keep my hair out of the way and out of my food while I’m cooking in the kitchen, though sometimes I also put it on just because I like it. It’s also the only style of hat that doesn’t look completely stupid on me.
Colin Henry (@ChaosConstant): I redownloaded Destiny 2 for its big Steam relaunch. I bought it a few years ago for super cheap, and I wanted to like it, but never got into it with all of the other things I have to play. It has a new tutorial, but it still does a really bad job of explaining what the heck is going on in the story. It feels like it assumes you played through the first Destiny, which is weird given that there are a whole lot of PC-only players who never even had access to the first one. I’ve also gotten back into Lord of the Rings Online lately. I just started Moria on Beorning, and I’m having a lot of fun. I hadn’t played it since the rework until a few days ago, and I really like what they’ve done with it.
I have a big head, so hats don’t really fit me.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): There’s my usual daily stuff in FFXIV, sure; beyond that, though, my plate is full of single-player games to play. I picked up Code Vein, for example, and it feels like its tweaks to the Souls formula are exactly what I need to make the genre finally connect just right. There are also a couple of things I can’t really talk about at the moment, but there’s still fun to be had.
Hats just don’t look good on me. Well, arguably nothing looks good on me, but in the case of hats it’s really a hat thing and not just the way I look.
Mia DeSanzo (@neschria): I have no idea what this weekend holds. Maybe I will go hat shopping.
Samon Kashani (@thesamkash): Ashes of Creation: Apocalypse will be my main jam this weekend.
I wear a hat everyday, everywhere I go. Baseball hats all the way. But with football teams on them. Football baseball hats.
Tyler Edwards: Probably more Mass Effect: Andromeda. Also been tinkering with the Age of Mythology: Extended Edition, so maybe more of that.
Bonus question: I’m Canadian; I’m pretty sure I lose my citizenship if I don’t own at least one toque. I’ve actually had the same toque since I was about two or three years old. One size fits all! Also sometimes a baseball cap in summer; I hate wearing them, but I need to keep the sun off my head. Yay for premature baldness…