I like to think of myself as a reasonably patient man. I’ll line up at the DMV or Disney and wait my turn for glory without a single muttered comment. I have at least four children in my household who make a game out of seeing how far they can push Dad before he snaps and starts rending his shirt. And I play MMORPGs.
There is a lot about MMOs that try one’s patience, I’ve realized. Sometimes we have to endure long queues. We often have to wait years and years for games to finish development and launch. Major goals and milestones take time. And then there’s the social factor that often prods our patience limit, what with PUGs and that guy in your guild chat who thinks he’s incredibly witty but he’s just annoying (that’s me).
How do MMOs try your patience? And are you good at handling that, or do you flip your desk and stalk off somewhere else?