Remember last BlizzCon when Blizzard announced it was working a revitalized version of the 2002 Warcraft III RTS? Warcraft III: Reforged is the name, and last night, the company announced the start of the multiplayer beta for this new “top to bottom upgrade” of the game.
“The multiplayer beta for Warcraft III: Reforged is about to start, with limited access to the orc and human races within 1v1 and 2v2 matchmaking. The undead and night elf races, and more game modes will be added in the weeks ahead. Invitations to the multiplayer beta will be sent out over the coming weeks. Initial invitations will go out in waves to players who have pre-purchased the Spoils of War edition of the game and subsequent waves of invitations will go to additional players, such as those who have pre-purchased the standard edition of Warcraft III: Reforged.”
Blizz is heavily promoting the purchase of the Spoils of War edition by loading it with extra perks for multiple games as well as special skins for the game you’ve actually bought. According to PC Gamer – and the fact that some folks are already playing it on Twitch – invitations have already begun rolling out. It was supposed to launch in full this year, so it looks like that release isn’t far off now.