Out of the deluge of trailers that were shotgunned into your face during this year’s Game Awards, perhaps one that flew beyond your notice was Prologue, the in-development… thing from PlayerUnknown Productions. While we’re still not clear just what Prologue is, Brendan “PlayerUnknown” Greene has gone on record to confirm that it’s not a sequel to PUBG. In fact, it’s not even going to be a shooter.
Reading through the interview, it still doesn’t really sound like Greene or his team are sure what Prologue is themselves. All that’s known for sure is that it will be focused on something large-scale, envisioning a world that’s “hundreds of kilometers by hundreds kilometers, with thousands of people” according to Greene. The game is also described as brutal and unforgiving, requiring players to learn by getting better (aka git gud, scrub).
It also sounds like Prologue requires some new tech to be developed in order to achieve Greene’s vision. “We set up the studio, and founded it with the goal of experimenting with new technology. Now we’re taking that first step towards building new technologies, and Prologue is the first step into the new world for us. I wanted the chance to deliver something new on a global scale,” said Greene.
It’s all a bit pie-in-the-sky, but considering what PUBG ultimately did to the multiplayer gaming landscape (for better or worse), perhaps it’s not so nebulous. Time will tell, naturally.