There are live games, there are games that have shut down, there are games in maintenance mode… and then there are dormant MMOs. Dormant MMOs have not been officially moved into a state of maintenance without any more major updates planned, but instead they exist in a nebulous state of silence. No big new updates, no word about any new updates, and yet also no statements to imply that they’re not going to get love. Titles like Champions Online and Secret World Legends, existing in limbo.
These games are frequently loved by a playerbase, sometimes with devotion, and sometimes the biggest problem for the lack of a playerbase is caused and compounded by the aforementioned dormancy. (No one is playing, so there’s nothing new to do, so fewer people log in, so there’s no one playing, etc.) Neglecting things like whether or not the companies responsible for these games could afford it, what ‘dormant’ MMO do you think would benefit the most from some patches? Where do you think there’s the opportunity to revitalize a tired fanbase?