Make no mistake: Warcraft III: Reforged is going down in history as one of the worst-received and most poorly handled Blizzard launches. The incredibly strong community backlash and rush for refunds has put pressure on the studio to respond, and respond it did — in a half-hearted and ultimately unsatisfying nature.
“We want to say we’re sorry to those of you who didn’t have the experience you wanted,” said a Blizzard CM, who apparently has a talent for understatement.
The studio went on to promise that it will be supporting the title “for the long term” and addressed a few (but not all) of the major issues that cropped up with Warcraft III: Reforged. These include fixing a visual bug and patching in support for online features such as leaderboards and clans.
Blizzard also defended the current state of the game’s cutscenes and defended why it didn’t include tournaments of the Reign of Chaos ruleset: “Eliminating the maintenance for underused elements has helped us streamline our overall support of the game and focus on areas impacting the most players.”