Star Trek Online accidentally yanks away players’ pricey ships

Years and years.

When you spend a crapton of money on video game ships, you kind of expect for the game to actually deliver them. And then leave them there for you to enjoy. We’re belaboring this point, because this exact situation happened with Star Trek Online recently.

Some players noted that the game had abruptly deleted all of the legendary ships that they purchased through a recent promotion. Apparently, this was an unfortunate bug that was subsequently fixed, but you have to imagine that more than a few hearts stuttered to a halt during the hour or so that this problem was happening.

The player community wasn’t irked so much by the bug as the lack of communication on Cryptic’s part during the event. One Reddit poster said, “There wasn’t anything from Cryptic until after it was fixed which is fine since the fix done within an hour of the bug happening, but I think even a ‘sorry for the inconvenience, we’re aware and are trying to fix it’ would be nice if this ever happens again.”

Source: Reddit. Thanks Tanek!
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