Two days in to the disastrous launch of Phantasy Star Online 2, SEGA finally released a statement and apology – as far as we can see, the one sent to Facebook and Twitter are identical, and neither will help people actually affected by the crippling installation issues we covered yesterday.
“Hello, Arks. We want to reassure you that the #PSO2NA team is paying close attention to all your comments from social media and across the web. We are working closely with Microsoft to reach a solution to the issues you have experienced during the game’s launch on Windows 10. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and the negative experience some of you have had when trying to download and install the game. Please know that we are working hard to solve these problems and that we appreciate your patience. We will release additional announcements and notices soon. Please stay tuned to our official website and social media accounts for further updates.”
In other news, the folks who make the tweaker program for the Japanese version of the game have updated the program to work with the NA version; it should allow players to move easily between both versions and also may fix the permissions and corruption issues NA players have encountered. It won’t solve all your problems – like all the resolution and lag problems – but it may help you.