When any MMORPG has gone on long enough, a movement among fans to return to the earlier days of the game tends to emerge. Call it “legacy fever” or what have you, but the nostalgia for old systems and a more limited scope seems to appeal to some players. But for those calling for a Lord of the Rings Online Classic server (as opposed to the progression server type it has now), we’ve got some bad news: It’s not going to happen.
Not only does Standing Stone Games lack the resources and money to create a legacy server for the game, but the developers say it wouldn’t be the sparkling testament to old days that some imagine.
“As for the ‘give us an old version of LOTRO‘ thing, my answer is the same as always: Why unfix all those bugs?” posted Senior Game Designer Jeff Libby. “You think it was perfect back then, but I remember our bug queues at the time and I can assure you it was not. Thirteen years of bug-fixes just disappearing? Yikes!”
In other LOTRO news, VIP members are getting a bonus gift this August: a full cosmetic set of Armour of the Hornburg Defender. You just need to log in to grab it. (It’s a good one!)