Lie: “Don’t take money, don’t take fame, don’t need no credit card to ride this train.”
Format: Song (The Power of Love)
Truth: It in fact can take quite a bit of money to make a romantic relationship work, and credit cards are helpful. Fame is generally superfluous.
Lie: “I want a new drug.”
Format: Song (I Want a New Drug)
Truth: Lewis wrote that song in a few minutes after a dream he had about a movie called “Drugbusters.” He has later admitted to being fine with existing drugs.
Lie: “I just need to run out to my car, I will be five minutes tops.”
Format: In person, attempting to get a break on a bill at the laundromat
Truth: Lewis walked to a nearby payphone instead of his car, at which point he had an angry conversation for fifteen straight minutes. He then waited in the parking lot for an additional ten minutes before Ray Parker Jr. showed up, handed him $20, and told him that after this they were even. When he left, someone picked him up.
Lie: “It’s hip to be square.”
Format: Song (Hip to be Square)
Truth: It is not hip to be square, although it can be hip to be a trapezoid.
Lie: “I want a new drug.”
Format: In person, asking for a drug refill
Truth: Lewis wanted to get a brand-name medication for generic prices. His insurance company later billed him and he blamed us.
Lie: “You can talk about all of this in What Are You Playing.”
Format: Email with publicist
Truth: My lawsuit is expected shortly.
Bonus question: What movie, game, or book from your childhood do you still enjoy immensely as an adult?
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Well, I expected to spend this weekend playing the new summer festival mash-up in Lord of the Rings Online, but I don’t have high hopes based on the mess that is the game right now. And they just got another month of sub out of me that I wish I could take back, sigh. So I’ll probably check in on my Star Wars Galaxies Legends vendors and mod The Sims 4. I mean play The Sims 4. Play. Dammit Bree.
This is random, but I have always adored the movie Contact. We just let our kids see it this week and I just still love it so very much.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Having just finished up some single-player stuff, I’m a bit adrift between games… although there’s more stuff to be done in Final Fantasy XIV, and there is that Marvel’s Avengers beta happening right now. Hmm.
I’ve never cared much for Lord of the Rings, but I do really enjoy The Hobbit… and an illustrated adaptation of that was a gift from my grandmother many years ago that I still re-read fairly regularly. I love that book.
Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I think I’ll be swinging my sword around the Crowfall beta this weekend. Other than that I’ll probably take part in some of the festivities in Guild Wars 2.
Bonus: I still enjoy the Mega Man series of games. Going back and playing them from time to time is always fun.
Tyler Edwards (blog): I finally got Horizon: Zero Dawn working, so that’s my focus for the time being. I like it, but I wouldn’t say that it entirely lives up the hype. The setting is very cool, but once you look past the unique aesthetics it’s a pretty ordinary (and extremely grindy) open world RPG.
Bonus question: I feel like most of my main passions are things I discovered in childhood? Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, and The Simpsons come to mind as obvious examples.
Pierre, patron: As I’m a very slow completionist gamer, I’m not yet done with The Last of Us, both The Last of Us Part II and a NG+ of The Last of Us Remastered (but I’m almost finished with this NG+). That is still getting the majority of my gaming time. Final Fantasy XI is still my MMO of choice for a change, as I must admit that the The Last of Us saga can be quite depressing to play over a long period of time, especially with Part II as a much darker episode than the first game was.
Bonus question: As with so many grown ups, I still enjoy the Lego games a lot. And you MOP readers, what’s on your gaming plate for this weekend?