To this day there are few things that have bothered me as much as seeing someone refer to bears as “a big pile of Default Mammal parts.” That angers me. I love bears. I think bears are great. I enjoy the heck out of these big snurfly salmon-devouring machines, and apparently that love is shared because 90% of the MMOs on the market feature bears in some variety. They’re big, they’re strong, I married one of them, they’re bears!
But there is still a hierarchy of bears. Some games just don’t really do a great job of capturing how much fun bears really are. Others have bears, but you don’t really remember them because they only show up in a couple of places and don’t really matter. Others have too many bears and you start suffering from bear overload. So which MMO has the best bears, dear readers? When you’re in the mood for bears snurfling about, where do you go?