Following up on the small but successful Kickstarter campaign this past summer, indie MMO Past Fate has been pretty quiet with no early access release in sight. That doesn’t mean the team isn’t working on it, of course. In fact, earlier this month Icy North Games brought fans up to speed on the project on its Kickstarter page.
The studio said that a big focus as of late has been making combat “more dynamic and rewarding,” which sounds an awful lot like making us running around and frantically clicking while swinging the camera to and fro.
“In our development build the combat allows the player to better adapt against the attacks of the enemy by utilizing movements, blocks and dodges as well as combination of heavy or light attacks,” Icy North said.
Other project improvements include a retooled quest system, mounted combat, and the creation of the backer-exclusive Direwolf mount. So in short, the closed alpha build is coming along and will even be treated to “new and better servers in the close future” that should help with latency problems that testers are seeing.