Back in February of this year, we reported on the early access release of The Yellow King, a self-described Lovecraftian horror rogue-lite MMO. We figured that there’s been more than enough time between then and now for updates, and sure enough, there’s updates a-plenty. For a few months, anyway.
Some of the headlining updates include the addition of a hardcore mode as well as additional dungeon floors, a release to Mac and Linux platforms, and more recently, the addition of the Cyclopean City dungeon that promises new horrors including the Shoggoth. There have also been smaller updates as well, including gamepad support, improved loot drops, shops, personal stash features, and additional camera controls among other things.
It is important to note that the last major update was made in June, with the game’s Steam discussion board and official Twitter account falling mostly silent. The game’s official Discord, however, still appears to be active, with 190 members online according to a cursory check at the time of this writing. Further rooting around the game’s Discord has shown some continuing developer silence overall in terms of announcements, a fact that has not gone unnoticed by followers.