There’s been yet another weekly update to the woodpunk survival sandbox Last Oasis, this time bringing with it a new Hercul heavy walker and the new Ancient City event map that promises new lootsites, rupu camps, and merchants to find. The update has also made a variety of changes to the game’s economy and applied several balance adjustments like walkers taking increased projectile damage.
Perhaps more importantly for players, though, is the addition of base decay in the game’s beta branch. Players now have to build a Maintenance Chest and fill it with resources that are used over time or else the base will begin to decay, with larger bases consuming more resources (naturally). To give players time to adjust to these changes, base degradation won’t be applied until some time early next week, so those in the beta branch will want to start building those Chests and filling them with goodies now.
Taking a moment to get Last Oasis’ temperature, we see a slight jump in player counts in October of just over 460 average players and a 14% increase in player counts in the last 30 days. The last 24-hour peak currently sits at 820 as of this writing, but that’s still a far cry from its all-time peak of over 33K.