“We don’t do crunch here” is the “ethically sourced whale blubber” label of the games industry — and it’s one label that Apex Legends’ Respawn is proud to wear.
Apex Legends Game Director Chad Grenier pushed back against some complaints that the game’s development has slowed down as of late. In response, Grenier said that he isn’t going to work his team to death:
“We refuse to crunch the team. So we’ll probably be slower at making content than if we worked 15-hour days, but that’s just not something we’re willing to do. We have nearly doubled our team size since launch to accommodate the content demands, so we’re really trying to bring you quality content at a healthy pace.”
If that isn’t enough to give you warm fuzzies toward Respawn, perhaps you’ll feel more charitable toward the studio when you hear that it’s taking action against exploiters. And not just any exploiters, but ones that used a glitch to allow high-ranked players to go up against lower-ranked players in order to farm points.
And this is neither here nor there, but it is totes adorbs:
You found all the Nessies scattered across Kings Canyon, Revenant's apartment, and the Apex dropship—now you can find one in your own home! Available for pre-order now.
💚: https://t.co/UQSGkTDgyM pic.twitter.com/TJrYsxXEOL
— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) November 10, 2020
In last week's Reddit AMA, I said we had more changes to the S7 Battle Pass planned.
Starting today, we're reverting the difficulty of the daily challenges to S6 levels while keeping the number of stars rewarded the same.
See image below for the before-and-after comparison: pic.twitter.com/Bbcp6NUKUX
— Chad Grenier (@ChadGrenier) November 10, 2020