If you haven’t played Red Dead Online yet because you didn’t want to shell out for Red Dead Redemption 2, now is the time to act: Rockstar has now made good on its plan to offer Red Dead Online as a standalone product, and it’s cheap as heck too right now at just $4.99 through February 15th. The deal’s on the PlayStation Store, Microsoft Store, Rockstar Games Launcher, Epic Games Store, and Steam.
This week’s update brought more than just a rock-bottom price, however. There’s also the release of the Outlaw Pass and the new bounty hunting role.
“The Prestigious Bounty Hunter License adds 10 new Ranks of progression atop the 20 from the Bounty Hunter Role Ranks with high level items and skills to acquire, new weapon variants and horses, Infamous Bounty targets on the Bounty Boards and more. The Prestigious Bounty Hunter License can be purchased from any Bounty Board by anyone who holds a Bounty Hunter License. And should you reach Bounty Hunter Rank 30, you’ll continue to accumulate Bounty Hunter XP – which can be traded for RDO$ and Gold in the Awards Menu. Plus, newcomers can take 5 Gold Bars off the Bounty Hunter License to get started on the Specialist Role, while all Bounty Hunters can take 40% off Bounty Hunter items up to Rank 20.”
Rockstar rolled up three new videos for each of its shinies this week; we’ve included them all below.