While it should come as no surprise to anyone looking at a calendar, the Corepunk closed beta ain’t happening this month as once promised. Developer Artificial Core announced that it’s delaying the CBT until next spring, thanks to COVID, Shadowlands, and Cyberpunk 2077.
At least you can console yourself with Corepunk’s Q4 020 newsletter, which has a lot of good news and reveals tucked inside of it. The studio said that it’s making great progress on a collaboration with Unity and is in talks with Multiplay (the same tech company that helped Apex Legends) to get its backend set up to handle plenty of players with no performance issues.
Corepunk also posted a new Heroes page on the website with the current three classes (Bomber, Champion, and Paladin), talked up its forum and website revamps, and explained how guilds will work (just in case you’ve never played an MMORPG before).
“Guilds can level up through various in-game activities, like completing guild tasks. Members will have access to special quests that affect their guild’s upgrade points, bonuses, buffs and other rewards,” Artificial Core said.