Whatever happened to ReWorld Online?


For the past two years, we’ve been keeping tabs on the interesting make-your-own-fantasy-realm ReWorld Online. In May 2019, the project split into two games: the MMORPG and an eight-player adventure title. And a beta of some sort was supposed to happen last year.

But what’s been going on with ReWorld Online in 2020? Well, somewhere along the line the project got a third game added onto it called ReWorld Arena. This looks to be the starting point of development, on which the adventure and MMO games will be built.

ReWorld Arena will be our first module, focusing on combat, PvP, and game balance,” Qwerty Studio wrote. “Create your own heroes and simulate endgame builds to capture points in a 5v5 arena. PvP will be a huge part of ReWorld, and we want to make it right. This is why we decided to focus on it as soon as possible.””

While social media hasn’t gotten many updates from the game since this summer, the small dev team is active on Discord, where most recently Qwerty CEO Michael Simard noted his main programmer had been in the hospital, which naturally slowed down the last three months of development.

“[M]oney is starting to get very hard and I need to make sure RW will have a future,” he told fans earlier this month. “I’m not too comfortable in the idea of working on other project, but I’m working on some smaller single player games that will be released very soon using what we have with ReWorld; this should help funding the project a bit. Once of them is a smaller project with another studio called The Cure that will be released in test this month. [A]s for the other many of you asked for it, and it is a Skyrim like game using ReWorld. […] It will be a kind of survival building game, made in collab with another studio.” A Kickstarter is apparently a possibility for the team as well.

In the meanwhile, you can read ReWorld’s 21-page design document to get a better feel for what the team is doing with this “Modbox MMO.”

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