There’s a fresh patch in the works for Project Gorgon, and while there hasn’t been any sort of update notes or other announcement for it yet, we know as much thanks to the game’s Twitter account, which kicked out a couple of brief updates on what to expect.
This new patch will feature a new animation system as well as some “fancy new experimental new optimization,” which should make the game run smoother on lower-end PCs, especially when those players are in open field areas. That all said, the animation system that’s being worked on has run afoul of a couple of bugs that are forcing the patch to delay to sometime later this week.
We're still fixing bugs with the new animation system. Not yet sure when we'll be ready to launch — definitely not Monday as I'd hoped but probably later this week.
— Project Gorgon (@GorgonMMO) January 17, 2021
The next update will also include a fancy new experimental new optimization that I'm excited about. It'll improve FPS for low- and mid-range PCs, especially in the largest outdoor areas.
— Project Gorgon (@GorgonMMO) January 17, 2021