It’s another round of testing for Lord of the Rings Online’s new mid-level content patch, as SSG announced that Update 29 is once again available for preview on the Bullroarer server.
“Beyond the Bree-fields lies the lightly travelled wilderness of the Wildwood. This heavily forested area has drawn the attention of two groups of Free Peoples who vie for its resources,” the studio said. “The update also includes two new three-player scaling instances set in Eriador, Woe of the Willow and Agoroth, the Narrowdelve.”
Yesterday, Standing Stone Games posted LOTRO’s 2021 roadmap which included two upcoming content updates and the fall’s Gundabad expansion.
In other LOTRO news, Senior World Designer Matt “Scenario” Eliott took players on a tour of Angmar, giving fans a behind-the-scenes look at the creation and design of this dire zone:
Source: Lord of the Rings Online