Love it or hate it, April Fools’ day is a Thing, and MMO companies seldom miss an opportunity to get in on The Thing. Let’s take a peek into what they’ve brought us for 2021, shall we?
Have you ever wanted to date your ship in Star Trek Online? No? Well you can anyway.
Star Citizen has dropped a new ship! The one ship everyone will like: The Origin 404.
World of Warcraft has posted its traditional joke patch notes, complete with a new covenant, sea shanties, and “Wand Vision.”
Guild Wars 2 dataminer @that_shaman got in on the fun announcing Inventory Manager. It actually works. Click on it people. I’m still giggling.
Read the update notes over here https://t.co/qB59DywOoV pic.twitter.com/OcMP9xEHsW
— that_shaman (@that_shaman) April 1, 2021
To be honest, this might even be better than the official GW2 fake patch notes.
Here are your #GuildWars2 update notes for April 1, 2021. These are all definitely true. https://t.co/12zGCGLOHS
— Guild Wars 2 (@GuildWars2) April 1, 2021
But it’s hard to top the invasion of the choya.
Oh no…it's a choya stampede! The choya sage seeks champions. Accept their boon and immortalize your deeds here using #GW2ChoyaMode: https://t.co/nNQrnBly3H pic.twitter.com/3VRwVt1zEV
— Guild Wars 2 (@GuildWars2) April 1, 2021
EVE Online teased the construction of a lowsec gate to nullsec’s Stain.
Chickens have taken over Neverwinter. Bawk bawk.
Oh War Thunder, this is salty and we love it. “Future military technologies simulation app Warfare 2077 is temporarily available to the general public.” It’s also done a TailSpin prank.
PlanetSide 2 has disabled friendly fire – we assume this is just for today. Have fun!
Friendly fire (from direct damage) has now been disabled for all PC servers. Enjoooooooooooy. #planetside2
— PlanetSide 2 (@planetside2) April 1, 2021
Valorant promises Agents of Romance.
The VALORANT world expands.
Here's your first look at VALORANT: Agents of Romance. Coming to PC soon. pic.twitter.com/sC7IFFcge3
— VALORANT (@PlayVALORANT) April 1, 2021
Zorran the Artificer has flooded Champions Online.
I’m sorry to report that Tencent’s got its fingers in another MMO pie: MMO Fallout’s pie.
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen announced a new hardcore mode! (This might be funnier if the game hadn’t announced NFT art sales earlier this week. That one was no joke, fam.)
World of Warships is making Godzilla and King Kong fight. I’m not actually sure this is a joke.
Piddie the Fool has arrived in AdventureQuest 3D. Look, I don’t make this stuff; I just report it.
Trove’s April Fools’ gag literally sends players back to the future.
We’re going to space in World of Warships Legends.
Black Desert is letting Shai ride flying donkeys:
But Black Desert Mobile has a different type of fun planned…
To celebrate April Fool's day, the Black Spirit has prepared a "True or False" quest event!
Log-in now to check this 1-day event! ➡️ https://t.co/db0us2PWov
Also, check out future various updates which will be added in Black Desert Mobile! 💪 pic.twitter.com/oJlpjNJ10z
— Black Desert Mobile (@BlackDesertM_en) March 31, 2021
Fallout 76 has a cryptic tease.
>Initiating Vault 76 broadcast…
>Loading 04012021 text…
>Activating InsideTheVault override protocol…
>MODUS authorization = "true"
>URL= https://t.co/9bYAsWbeZ3 pic.twitter.com/hjuBWfhsHH— Fallout (@Fallout) April 1, 2021
Pirate101 added the “best spuds” couch potato mount.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you BREAKING NEWS! 🥔📺
Introducing the all new Couch Potato Mount – an a-peel-ing new way to traverse the Spiral. Hurry – this mount will be saying “cya tater” on April 29th, 2021. https://t.co/QHNib2AqaJ #Pirate101 pic.twitter.com/D9RIaafeHH
— Pirate101 (@Pirate101) April 1, 2021
TERA Console announced a battle royale, but we suspect the diapers and link give the joke away.
#TERAConsole is happy to announce our newest Mode coming to the game, Kuma's Battle Royale!
Face off against 99 other Kumas players! Use upgraded diapers to win, and claim tokens to receive Heroic Oath Gear for free!
More details in the coming days ♥️https://t.co/uRUhSlpBeP pic.twitter.com/kNloseravf
— TERA Console (@TERAConsole) April 1, 2021
Overwatch has fake notes up too, but players today (actually, even last night) are being treated to the old googly eyes stunt.
Gravity? ❌
Ricochet Arrows? ✅
400 Health Tank Mei? ✅ ✅ ✅These are just a few choice highlights from today’s experimental patch.
👀 Check out the rest https://t.co/kz1QDM32Ns pic.twitter.com/GNV3v5BKdl
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) April 1, 2021
Fortnite played into Gamestonk, for some reason.
The 🔔 has been rung and Diamond Hanz is ready to answer the call.
Buy! Hold! Win! pic.twitter.com/bmP1czr326
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) April 1, 2021

We’ll be adding more we see as the day rolls on (usually, more drop around lunchtime). And surely you’ve spotted more – drop ’em in the comments for everyone!