I don’t think it’s possible to go a day on a City of Heroes server, back in the old days or now on the rogue servers, without seeing at least one fight in general chat about healers. CoH vets are proudly militant about the game’s design, which makes things like damage mitigation and proactive defenses significantly more powerful than reactive heals, such that “healers” (and yes, there are several heal-centric powersets) are sneered at. This state has led to endless chat squabbles over this perception that only bad players roll or need dedicated healers.
This argument has been going on for almost 17 years with no signs of stopping; I saw it several times last week myself. And yet it would seem nonsensical to most other MMO players. Even so, I bet every MMO has a something like this, some extremely granular point of contention that won’t die and yet doesn’t live anywhere but in that game.
So let’s hear them. What’s a recurring argument players in your current MMO have all the time that wouldn’t make a lick of sense to people in other MMOs?