If you’re among the backers of Dual Universe who are somehow not unnerved by the silent ouster of Novaquark’s president and continuing lack of information on what’s going on at the company, then you’ve got a new PTS build to play around with. Also, you should probably be a little concerned by those business matters.
On the topic of the PTS, this latest build looks to test the game’s new voxel storage tech, which means that testers are being asked to “wreak havoc on planets’ soils and dig, dig, DIG as much as possible!” The build also has three new tutorials for Gunnery, RDMS (Rights and Duties Management System, aka the thing that assigns object permissions), and advanced construction. These can be accessed from the “Tutorials” section of the VR Station.
A length of time for this round of PTS testing wasn’t elaborated on, but those who still want DU to press forward can hop in and start becoming little voxel-moving moles.