Developer XL Games, which readers will know are the folks behind ArcheAge, and publisher Kakao Games are set to unleash a new mobile sandbox MMORPG onto the world. Say hello to Moonlight Sculptor, a new MMO based on the light novel The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, which is arriving to the globe in May 2021 and is available for pre-registration right now.
Details on just what this game offers are a bit thin, as the official website and press blast largely focus on the aforementioned pre-registration campaign that offers up a variety of goodies for register as well as some gold and cosmetics for players that log in during the game’s first month of release.
What information is available confirms that Moonlight Sculptor takes place in the virtual game “Royal Road,” letting players take up either five classical classes — Alchemist, Archer, Mage, Paladin, or Warrior — or play without a class and become a Sculptor later on. The game promises to offer up “action-packed” quests, dungeons, and tournaments, small and large-scale PvP battles, and an offline mode that lets characters auto-level in hunting grounds.